Coregonine Science Webinar Series

The Great Lakes Fishery Commission hosts a monthly Coregonine Science webinar on the first Friday of each month.  The topics are diverse, ranging from ecology and evolution to hatchery rearing practices to monitoring of ongoing restoration efforts.  Although many of the topics are Great Lakes based, we have also invited speakers from outside North America, given the circumpolar distribution of coregonines.  Contact to get on the distribution list to be able to register for the webinars or click on the videos below to watch the recorded webinars.

Image Credit: Andrew Muir

Upcoming Webinars

Please join us for the next installment of the Coregonine Science Webinar Series, Friday October 4 at 12:30 pm. Mike Lowe (USGS) will present “Paradoxical Production of Lake Whitefish at Buffalo Reef, Lake Superior.” Join by registering at the link below.