Coregonine Science Webinar Series
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission hosts a monthly Coregonine Science webinar on the first Friday of each month. The topics are diverse, ranging from ecology and evolution to hatchery rearing practices to monitoring of ongoing restoration efforts. Although many of the topics are Great Lakes based, we have also invited speakers from outside North America, given the circumpolar distribution of coregonines. Contact Jake Kimmel at to join the distribution list to be able to register for the webinars, or click on the videos below to watch the recorded webinars.
Image Credit: Andrew Muir
Upcoming Webinars
Please join us for the next installment of the Coregonine Science Webinar Series, Friday January 3 at 12:30 pm. Kyle Stratton (OMNR) and Alex Gatch (USGS) will present “Using telemetry to study Cisco movement and behavior in Lakes Superior and Ontario.” Join by registering at the link below.
Neutral and adaptive structure in Great Lakes whitefish: Foundations and applications
UWSP researcher Jared Homola describes the genetic structure of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan and its application to lake whitefish management units.
Seasonal migrations of Great Lakes cisco (C. artedi) to tributary and drowned river mouth habitats
USGS researchers Andrew Honsey and Ralph Tingley III describe habitat use and migratory behaviors of Great Lakes cisco in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan…
Examining coregonine ecology in Lake Superior using stationary up-looking acoustics
Recent Lakehead University graduate, Dr. Ryan Grow presents some of his dissertation work regarding acoustic sampling. He compared up-and-down-looking acoustics to traditional...
Reviewing management actions in Europe, Asia, and North America to conserve or restore coregonines
David “Bo” Bunnell, USGS researcher describes the many examples of coregonine research globally. He explains…
Artificial Propagation Producing Wild-Like Salmonids
Carl Schreck from Oregon State University explains the challenges and successes of propagating a variety of salmonid species.
When Good Planning Meets Opportunity: The Story of the Epic 2022 Coregonid Year-Class in Lake Superior
Listen to Dan Yule (USGS) talk about the comprehensive sampling strategies implored during 2022 that led to finding a historic year class of coregonids in Lake Superior. Novel...
Exposure to UV radiation induces hatching and alters growth and development of coregonine eggs
Ph. D candidate Nicole Berry of Miami University – Ohio takes us into a glimpse of her doctoral dissertation research on the potential effects of ultraviolet radiation on coregonine eggs and larvae.
A Reassessment of Historical Cisco Declines in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, and Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron
Ben Rook of the Michigan DNR presents his research on historical cisco populations, highlighting the effects of overfishing, rainbow smelt, and bottom hypoxia in the bays and...
One of these things is not like the other! Lab & field observations for Lake Whitefish and Cisco
Kelly Hoyer, a Ph. D candidate at Central Michigan University, talks about her work on larval Lake Whitefish and Cisco. She compares the two species and their interactions with...
Saugeen Ojibway Nation and the ciscoes of Lake Huron
Alexander Duncan from the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation describes the historical significance of ciscoes to the SON and the relevance these fish still hold today with...