Coregonine Science Webinar Series
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission hosts a monthly Coregonine Science webinar on the first Friday of each month. The topics are diverse, ranging from ecology and evolution to hatchery rearing practices to monitoring of ongoing restoration efforts. Although many of the topics are Great Lakes based, we have also invited speakers from outside North America, given the circumpolar distribution of coregonines. Contact Jake Kimmel at to join the distribution list to be able to register for the webinars, or click on the videos below to watch the recorded webinars.
Image Credit: Andrew Muir
Upcoming Webinars
Please join us for the next installment of the Coregonine Science Webinar Series, Friday November 1 at 12:30 pm. Jared Homola (UWSP) will present “Neutral and adaptive structure in Great Lakes whitefish.” Join by registering at the link below.
Whole-lake acoustic telemetry and eDNA to evaluate Cisco restoration in an inland lake
Alex Koeberle, Cornell University Ph. D student, describes tracking ciscoes in a fingerling lake in New York. He discusses the potential size/cost benefits of stocking age-0...
From planktivore to piscivore: rethinking the trophic role of Cisco in the Lake Michigan Food Web
Jory Jonas and Ben Turschak from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources present their ongoing research about the shift being seen in ciscoes' diets. They compare the...
Resolving morphologic and genetic variation in the Lake Superior cisco complex
Drs. Amanda Ackiss and Owen Gorman discuss the phenotypic and genotypical variances of the cisco species found in Lake Superior, and compare how these match up to historically...
Collaborative efforts to advance understanding coregonine population dynamics across the Great Lakes
Andrew Honsey (USGS) and Taylor Brown (Cornell) present on new efforts to understand coregonine population dynamics in the Great Lakes....
A genomic perspective on speciation and adaptation in alpine whitefish
Presented by Philine Feulner (EAWAG).
Evolution of the Laurentian Great Lakes ciscoes and implications for fisheries management
Presented by Trevor Krabbenhoft (University at Buffalo).
Lack of Cracks? — How does habitat influence Lake Ontario coregonine spawning success?
Brian Weidel (USGS) presents on the effect of substrate on coregonine spawning success.
Ecology of Coregonine’s in Ireland’s Great Lakes
Sean Rooney (Inland Fisheries Ireland) presents on the ecology of coregonine’s in Ireland’s Great Lakes.
Long-term changes in Lake Geneva pelagic communities as a response to local and global forcing
Orlane Anneville (INRAE)
Coregonine migration, habitat use, and movement cues in Lake Erie
Presented by Richard Kraus (USGS).