Historically, members of the coregonine complex (Coregonus spp.) were the most abundant and ecologically important fish species in the Great Lakes (especially the cisco C. artedi), but anthropogenic influences caused nearly all populations to collapse by the 1970s....
Production, fish health surveillance, and research at Northeast Region U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) facilities to support restoration of sustainable coregonid populations in Lake Ontario
Development of a genetic map for cisco and bloater
We constructed a linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi), an economically and culturally important fish in the Great Lakes and across North America, which previously lacked a high-density haploid linkage map. We used diploid and haploid cisco from northern Lake Huron...
Historical habitat use by Coregonus artedi in Lake Michigan
With the global-scale loss of biodiversity, current restoration programs have been often required as part of conservation plans for species richness and ecosystem integrity. The restoration of pelagic-oriented cisco (Coregonus artedi) has been an interest of Lake...
Inventory and assessment of coregonine spawning locations in lakes Erie and Ontario, including connecting channels
This project involved two phases. First, to identify locations of key habitats for coregonines in lakes Erie and Ontario and their respective connecting channels, we conducted a literature review of historical spawning, nursery, and adult habitat sites where...